
When you have placed an order, you will automatically receive an email with a confirmation. Didn't receive an email? You can always contact us.
You can also see the status of your order on your account page.

Pick-up is possible in Sint-Lenaarts, Belgium.
If you choose to pick up when placing your order, you will receive an email within 24 hours with the address and the possible pick-up times. We agree on a moment that suits both you and us!

For the shipment of our packages we work together with DPD, PostNL and  Bpost. We will send the packages a maximum of 4 working days after receiving the payment.
Usually packages are sent the day itself or the day after, but if something goes wrong, we cannot always guarantee this.
From the moment your package has been sent, you will receive an email with the carrier and any tracking number.

!! PLEASE NOTE : Shipping based on weight is without tracking number.!!

Delivery time
If you place an order, we will ship it, if everything goes well, the day itself or the day after we have received the payment. We will ship the package up to 4 working days after receipt of payment. Something can always go wrong, but of course we try to limit this!

Orders within Belgium take an average of 1 to 3 working days before they arrive.
Orders to the Netherlands take an average of 2 to 4 working days before they arrive.
Orders within Europe take an average of 3 to 6 working days with tracking and 5 to 10 working days without tracking. It is of course always possible that the package will

take longer due to delays or unforeseen circumstances at the postal company.
You will never have to wait more than 30 days for your order!

Looking for a package?
Do you think your package is lost? Please contact us so that we can solve it for you as soon as possible!